Closer inspection revealed that there was a note pinned to the door saying "Gone to Church". Yes, I don't blame anyone for praying. I'd be praying too if I were coming to visit me - or at least I'd be inside the four walls of a church seeking sanctuary.
Most people, when they hear that I'm on my way, lock up their daughters and hide the silver before they rush off to lock themselves in a church. I don't know about the silver, but neither Rhys nor Gretchen had a daughter. It made me wonder why I had come.
But you can't keep a good man down. Rhys had told me where the church was, the fool, and I'd found it "virtually-speaking". Hence I knew the way. And I could drive there too! So I did!
As you've probably noticed, I'm still working on writing up this visit. Time factors, however, are weighing heavy on my shoulders. Hence the reason why this work is advancing less quickly than I would hope. But I am trying to spend at least 30 minutes per day working on it, so keep looking back to see where I'm up to. Meantime, I shall leave you with the immortal words of Philaster Chase Johnson, who had similar challenges upon his time when writing his magazine, the name of which I have unfortunately forgotten.
"Cheer up. The worst is yet to come."